Bilal Summer Camp

Bilal Academy Program

Bilal Summer Camp

It is our mission to help build the Islamic self-esteem and self-worth of every child through our every action. Our goal should
simply be to lead children towards a happy, healthy, and responsible Islamic lifestyle.
At Masjid Bilal, we are more than just a camp!

The goal of Masjid Bilal Summer Camp is to provide the tools needed to help children. To foster good learning habits and set
kids on a positive Islamic path that will serve them well in school and beyond. The curriculum is not focused on specific
projects or activities but encompasses the entirety of the camp itself. Every action we take should be done with mindfulness
intention and is important to the enjoyment, development, and Islamic education of each camper.

Physical Activity:
Goals: movement, fun, age-appropriate, building to specific skills & structure, healthy.
For kids, exercise means playing and being physically active. Kids exercise when they have gym class at school, during recess,
during soccer practice, while riding bikes, or when playing tag.
Kids who are active will:
• have stronger muscles and bones
• have a leaner body
• be less likely to become overweight
• decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
• lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
• have a better outlook on life
Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit sleep better. They're also better able to
handle physical and emotional challenges.

Bilal Academy Curriculum Philosophy

Summer Camp 2023

Children, Experience,

Second Week

Marshal Arts

Filed Trips

Popcorn Zoo

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